The arrest of Pavel Durov (Telegram’s CEO), the EU's letter to Elon Musk, the jailing of UK citizens for online posts, the threats and jailing of Israeli dissidents to the war/Oct. 7th, and many more incidents around the world, are merely a manifestation of the quickly eroding “democracy” of the west, which continues to show its true colors - the colors of totalitarian regimes. That illusion called democracy is still wrapped in a nice pink “western-democracy” wrapping paper, in the hope that the average normal citizen won’t wake up to this farce.
In the last couple of years, globalist organizations and many states have started to heavily advance their new rules and regulations to respond to the “threat” of free speech online. The EU’s DSA - Digital Services Act, is just one out of many fresh laws to appear like mushrooms after the rain (of Covid) in order to protect us poor useless eaters, and strengthen the big brother.
“Under the recently enacted Digital Services Act, the European Commission may apply significant pressures upon digital platforms to curb “hate speech,” “disinformation" and threats to “civic discourse,” all of which constitute notoriously vague and slippery categories, categories that have historically been co-opted to reinforce the narrative of the ruling class.” — David Thunder
The DSA enables the EU to instruct technology platforms to censor and ban content that doesn’t comply with their big brother mis/disinformation and hate speech guidelines.
Similar rules have been put in place around the world in the past 1-2 years, each country with its own flavor, under its own excuse that fits the local narrative, to make it easy for the sleepy citizen to swallow the lie. For example - in Australia, the eSafety bill, in Israel, various emergency acts put in place, Ireland has one of the harshest laws, India is heavily regulating social platforms since last year, Brazil - see details below, and unfortunately the list goes on and on.
Telegram’s CEO arrested in France
Back to Pavel Durov (Telegram’s CEO), while the allegations against him are harsh (aiding in drug trafficking, pedophilia and terrorism, alongside Telegram’s insufficient moderation and alleged lack of cooperation with police), his arrest kicked up a global fuss and brought us one step closer to understanding the intensification and magnitude of censorship related events.

Social media platforms are the new town hall these days. It’s where people are firstly socializing, but then also coordinating for political and social activism. Since almost all platforms are compromised these days and governments or federal agencies are monitoring and surveilling citizens, actions on these platforms may cause law enforcement response and also military action to topple down governments, to interference in local politics and to drive regime changes.
In his rigorous work on the topic, the censorship expert and former State Dept. Cyber expert Mike Benz explains this modus operandi at length (worth following him). According to Benz, Telegram is the main artery for CIA for cultivating political resistance movements in order to control foreign regimes. In 2014-2020 Telegram was “good” for CIA, because it enabled riots in Belarus, which helped the US take down the regime in 2018. In recent years, post-2020, Durov was not cooperative, leaving Telegram less controlled, which also caused Ukraine’s 72% of population that is using to Telegram to be heavily influenced by Russian propaganda on Telegram. That is clearly an issue for Ukraine, Nato and the US.
Watch Benz elaborating on Durov’s arrest and the censorship industrial complex on Tucker Carlson’s show:
Another interesting detail to add is from Haaretz newspaper in Israel (take it with a grain of salt, it is very biased often times); The paper reports that “Anti-Israel hackers stole troves of sensitive Israeli data and are now publishing gigabytes of secret and classified information [on Telegram]. Unable to stop the hacks, Israel is waging a futile war to against the leaks”. Allegedly Israel’s attempt to censor Telegram did not succeed, and it claims the data there was not that sensitive nor important.
Brazil bans Twitter/X
Add on to the Durov commotion the recent ruling in Brazil to outlaw and censor Twitter/X - and we get a real “war on free speech” global party.
Here’s a good summary of Brazil latest court ruling to block Twitter/X, as well as on the ground reporting about the large demonstration for free speech in Brazil yesterday:
And to better understand how and why this dystopian censorship reality is receiving its broad legitimacy, follow me to understand the UN’s normalizing and clearing the space for tyranny.
UN Secretary-General Calls For A New Era of Censorship "To Prevent Misinformation"
The censorship policies we’re witnessing these days are well supported by the policies of globalist organizations. “Countries must address the “grave global harm” caused by the proliferation of hate and lies online”, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said last week, launching a key report designed to shore up information integrity on digital platforms. "The advent of artificial intelligence must not distract us from the damage that digital technology is already doing to our world. The proliferation of hate and lies in the digital space is already causing grave global harm now. It is fueling conflict, death and destruction, now. It is threatening democracy and human rights, now. It is undermining public health and climate action, now," says Guterres in his impudent speech, reflecting the topsy turvy world, in which the attacker becomes the victim and the lie becomes the truth.
The new report argues that states should take the lead in maintaining the accuracy, consistency and reliability of information disclosed to users. “My hope is that it will provide a gold standard for guiding action to strengthen information integrity,” he wrote in the introduction.
The sentence that concludes the part called "purpose of this policy brief" is: "It has become clear that business as usual is not an option." In other words, all means are legitimate to censor any voice that does not align with the globalist establishment narratives.

From reading the document, it appears that the direction of the UN is to recommend to governments to impose tighter regulation on technology companies so that they adopt the role of enforcers of the proposed code of conduct.
Code of conduct
Calling on governments, technology companies and other stakeholders to refrain from using, supporting or amplifying disinformation and hate speech for any purpose
Governments should ensure a free, sustainable and independent media landscape, with protections for journalists
Digital platforms should ensure safety and privacy in all products
Urgent and immediate measures must be taken to ensure that all AI applications are safe, secure, responsible and ethical, and comply with human rights obligations
Advertisers and digital platforms must ensure that advertisements are not placed near misinformation or disinformation or hate speech, and that advertisements containing disinformation are not promoted.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) of Agenda 2030 Are Failing. Why? Misinformation Of Course.
On page 14 of the report, the UN presentes the reasons for why the achievement of the SDG’s are flawed. The SDG’s are part of the UN’s 2030 agenda, which are aimed to be achieved by the year 2030, and it seems like it’s a challenge to deliver on this promise. The reasons the UN gives for damaging the success of the SDG’s are related to misinformation and harming the integrity of information. Surely it can’t be that the failure to achieve the SDG’s is their incompetency.
Let’s review the some of the 17 SDG’s and the risks and harms to them, as presented by the UN, along with my interpretation of the manipulation and mind control:
In conclusion, it was no random act that shortly after the release of this report, and the installment of the Digital Services Act (DSA), the European Union warned Elon Musk and X - that if they do not apply strict censorship according to the EU's misinformation/disinformation laws by August 25, 2024, they will be in violation of the DSA. The world is shifting gears and tightening the belt on control of what we say, the content we are exposed to, and without a doubt, even on what we think and feel.
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