Next week I’ll be heading down to Melbourne, Australia. I already have one interview lined up for my podcast with a prominent politician in Brisbane, which is great.
Here’s a short video I shared today about my trip:
I would love to present my lecture titled “A world of control vs. freedom” while I’m in Melbourne, if you have connections to local communities there, let me know.

A bit about my background - I used to live in Australia for 6 years in the 2000's, and I hold an Australian citizenship. In 2021 I made a speech in front of the Australian Embassy in Tel Aviv, calling for the cancellation of the draconian Covid mandates.
My ex-husband and father of my son lived in Melbourne and did not see our son for 3 years during Covid. My call was unsuccessful and my son did not see his father for another long 8 months after this demonstration.
Watch my speech:
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Hello Efrat, Good luck with your work and travels! If you have any time to think and discuss the disastrous COVID-19 response, here is the most pertinent research on vitamin D and the immune system: . Without proper vitamin D3 supplementation, such as 0.125 mg (5000 IU) a day on average, for 70 kg body weight without obesity, and without recent high-level UV-B exposure of ideally white skin, most people have half or less of the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (made in the liver from vitamin D3) which their immune system needs to work properly.
Most doctors and immunologists take far too little interest in nutrition and tend to be very dismissive about vitamin D.
With proper 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, there would be no pandemic transmission of COVID-19 in the general population.
A 3 page summary of this, for a recent Australian government enquiry on the COVID-19 response, is: . This begins with histograms of 25(OH)D levels in Israel, with Arab women averaging around 12 ng/mL, and some below the detection limit of 5 ng/mL. Even Jewish, non-Orthodox men and women have mean levels ca. 25 ng/mL - and this is sunny Israel!
Vitamin D has been totally ignored by those who drive the mainstream COVID-19 response and it has been very largely overlooked by those who are critical of this response. There are plenty of other problems with the mainstream response: but for reasons of sepsis, COVID-19, Kawasaki disease, MIS-C, influenza, autism, intellectual disability, schizophrenia, ADHD, low birth weight pre-eclampsia, dementia, including Parkinson’s disease, numerous auto-immune diseases, including MS, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis . . . . humans can never be healthy unless they attain 50 ng/mL or more circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
There's very little vitamin D3 in food, fortified or not. High elevation sunlight without glass, sunscreen or clothing can produce plenty of vitamin D3 for people with white skin, but less for the elderly, and much less for those with dark or brown skin. The UV-B light which converts 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin to vitamin D3 cholecalciferol always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer. So neither food, a balanced diet nor UV-B light is a suitable long-term source of the vitamin D3 we need.
Fortunately, supplements are inexpensive, and it is fine to take a 1.25 mg (50,000 IU) capsule once every 10 days. "5000 IUs" a day sounds like a lot, but it is a gram every 22 years - and pharma-grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory.
Robin Whittle, Daylesford 90km NW of Melbourne.
Hi Efrat, wonderful that you're coming 'down under', I will share this link with everyone I know here and hopefully one or two of them will 'take the bait', anyway, however 'it pans out' I'm excited to see and hear what podcasts, interviews, lectures you do manage to accomplish, good luck and Yah bless <3